Charity no. 1126714
Mon to Fri 9am-5pm | Tel: 0300 123 6001

Nahum Pembu Muwowo

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0300 123 6001

Nahum Pembu Muwowo – Appointed 2023

As an experienced Finance Business Partner, I provide financial insights and guidance to operational teams, executive management, and the board of trustees. I have over 13 years of experience in management accounting, finance business partnering, and cloud accounting, working with various organisations across various sectors in the UK and internationally.

I am passionate about financial literacy, leveraging the use of AI and cloud-solutions and poverty alleviation.

I volunteer as a CIMA Mentor (for students and professionals), a Charity Trustee for Thames Water Trust Fund (general and finance) and a Co-Production Partner for Turn2us. I am a Chartered Management Accountant with CIMA.


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Thames Water Trust Fund Impact

The Thames Water Trust Fund was created in 2009, and has had a significant impact on people’s lives:

Between 2009 and 2019...

applications received

83% of people supported found it easier to pay their water bill

feel more confident in managing their bills

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